Historical Animals

Art Dealers: Artist Gallery Prices Today FOR ALL 60% Off

Size and Prices are as follows:

Painted with water color paints 9″ x 12″ *

Painted in water color paints 12″ x 16″ **

Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***

Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****

Painted in Mixed Media 24″ x 36″ *****

1490a Time to move Sunup $200 **
2500a Great fall day -$300 **
2522a-You-all-come-$200 **
8803a-Dinosarus-Spinosaurus-$200 **
2547a-Dinasora-age-$200 **
2553a-Looks-like-lunch $200 ***
8810a-Amargasuarus $300 ***
1060A Saber tooth cat meet $300 ***
2551a-Red-sky $300 ***
2550a-Dive-Charles $200 ***
8812a-Ouranosarus $200 **
2559a-Big boy is up early $300 ***
8809a-Maga-bison $300 **
2549aT-Rex $300 ***
8806a-Dinasora yes $200 **
2555a-Prehistoric-fish-$200 **
3984a Don’t call me papa$200 **
3563a Up at dawn $200 **
8815a-Triceratops $400 **
2491a What a moon $300 **

8836a Dinosaurs’ $300 **

3173a Watch the tail $300 **

3175a Just a little bite $300 **

3108a Where did the Meteorit hit $300 **

3180a Is that a Troodon $300 **

3171a Now that a ride $300 **

343a Dino at the Sea $300 **

1081a Hey Wholly some beach $300 **

1275a Fight at the Green. $300 **

2683a What us doc $300 **

1738a Red Sky delight $300 **

3169a Looking for lunch $300 **

3504a Prehistoric fish jumps$200 **

3395a What your step not the falls$200 **

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    Today Sale 50% Off

    Size and Prices are as follows:

    Painted with watercolor paints 9″ x 12″ *

    Painted in watercolor paints 12″ x 16″ **

    Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***

    Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****