More Prehistoric Animals

2566a What us doc $300 ***

2181a Stay out of my stream $300 ***

2501b No you come up here $200 ***

3578a Sundown $300 ***

3567a Hey Joe Wait a minute $300 ***

3572a Double trouble $200 ***

3574a Just a little bite $200 ***

2172a Trouble at the green $300 ***

3172a How do I get over there $300 ***

3518a Over there Pop $300 ***

3595a Spinosaurus disagree $300 ***

3579a Light in Forrest $300 ***

3592a Trex challenges a $300 ***

3536a Dinosaurs Spinosaurus $200 ***

3591a Make my day $300 ***

3546a Early China $300 ***

3562a Prehistoric buffalo I am home $200 ***

3561a This is the end $300 ***

1738a Red Sky delight $300 ***

3580a Giganta looking $300 ***

3565a Can you believe this $300 ***

3566a I see you on that rock $300 ***

3584 Dino swims. $300 ***

8829a Ichthyovenator walking $300 ***

8849a Dinosaurs Spinosaurus $300 ***

8801b Carnosaur’s $300 ***

8855a Who the good-looking chap $300 ***

8821 Who Yellow $300 ***

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    Size and Prices are as follows:

    Painted with water color paints 9″ x 12″ *

    Painted in water color paints 12″ x 16″ **

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