Art Dealers: Artist Gallery Prices Today ONLY 60% Off
Size and Prices are as follows:
Painted with water color paints 9″ x 12″ *
Painted in water color paints 12″ x 16″ **
Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***
Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****
Painted in Mixed Media 24″ x 36″ *****
2487-T-Rex-head $300 **
2552a-The-meet $300 **
8800a-Dinasoras era $300 **
2556a-Great-day-Mr-Sinosarus $200 **
2567a-Lovely-day- $300 **
8816a-Trex on the hunt $400 ***
2462a Some dragon $200 ***
1367a-Im-a-little-battie $300 ***
8805a-Dinosarus-Spinosaurus-$300 **
2544a-Nice-jump $4-200 ***
2546a-Dinasora-age-$200 ***
8807a-Plesiosarus $500 ***
2548a-Little-help-from-a-friend $400 ***
1876a Fight on Painted rock $300 ***
2563a-What-a-jump $200 **
3964a-I-do-a-little-dance $300 **
2564a-Dinner-is-now $200 **
8813a-Spinosaurus- at work $400 **
2565a-Oh-Yah-Yah-$300 **
2614a-How-did-he-get-over-there Sold
2522a-You-all-come- $200 **
8814a-Prehistoric-Under-the-sea $500 **
2554a-What-for-lunch $200 **
3568a Looking for the pot of gold-$300 **
2550a- Don’t Dive-Charles $200 **
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Today Sale 50% Off
Size and Prices are as follows:
Painted with water color paints 9″ x 12″ *
Painted in water color paints 12″ x 16″ **
Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***
Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****