1287a-BIG-BIRDs-fly-together $200 **

1784a-Butterfly $200 **

2640a-Heavenly-day $300 ***

2471a-Bull-sharks-feeding $200 **

3150a-How-high-can-you-go $200 **

3153a-Mirrow-Lake $200 **

3170a-Another-great-meal $200 **

3743a-Who-called-the-big-bird-meet $200 **

2516a-Hey-save-some-for-me $200 **

3444a-i-see-you $200 **

3710a-Love-those-Big-Birds $250 **

3902a-I see-you-copy $200 **

3757a-Who-goes-there $200 **

4456a-Cheetahs-on-the-chase $200 **

4474a-Thumper-meet-my-friend $250 **

4994a-Got-you-maybe $300 **

1752a-Look-at-all-that-food $200 **

2444a-Africa-evening $200 **

3474a-Who-is-that-Ma $200 **

3715a-More-birds $250 **
Historic Gallery
Today Sale 50% Off
Size and Prices are as follows:
Painted with water color paints 9″ x 12″ *
Painted in water color paints 12″ x 16″ **
Painted in Mixed Media 13″ x 18″ ***
Painted in Mixed Media 20″ x 24″ ****